Dental Surgeon, MSc in Prosthetics and Implantology, AUTH
Mastership in Laser Dentistry, AAZL, Aachen University, DE
Last update: March, 2013
Education before becoming a dentist:
1993-1996: High School in Aridaia, Greece - Graduation grade: 20 / 20
1996-1997: Pharmaceutical school of AUTH
Dentistry education:
1997-2003: Dentistry school,
AUTH-Graduation grade: Very Good
2003-2007: Postgraduate education in Fixed Prosthetics and Prosthetic Implants - Diploma degree: Excellent
10/2015: Laser Safety Officer (LSO) Certificate, AAZL
10/2015- 9/2016: Mastership Programme “ Laser Therapy in Dentistry” ,
AachenDental Kaser Center (AAZL) and RWTH International Academy
Working professionaly (Dental Association of Pella, AM 125) as a dentist since April, 2003

- 18th Panhellenic Endodontics Syposium, Thessaloniki
- 32nd Panhellenic Dentist Congress, Alexandroupolis
- Meeting of the Dentists Asscosication of Pella, with the subject: «Dental treatment of patients with healt issues …»
- 31st Pahellenic Dentist Congress, Thessaloniki
- DentalXP webinars
- 2nd postgraduate seminar, with the subject: «Preparation of root tubes with Ni-Ti (Protaper) motor systems and blocking with hot gutta-percha», Dental School AUTH
- Annual Conference on "Quality in Dental Practice"
- 28th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Thessaloniki
- 16th National Endodontic Symposium, on the subject «General Dentist & Endodontics. Reflections on daily dental practice. "
- 42nd Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Dental Association, Veria
- SEVE seminar on "The feasibility of aesthetics and functionality", Thessaloniki
- SEVE Annual Conference on "The use of modern materials and techniques in the restoration of the aesthetic zone of the mouth", Thessaloniki
- 26th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Athens
- 11th Congress of the BaSS, Serajevo
- Customized Education Program, Astra Tech, Götenburg, Sweden
- Annual Conference of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Hellenic Republic of Greece on "Bad - Dry - Pain - Smoking", Thessaloniki
- 25th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Larissa
- 11th meeting of the ICP, Crete, Greece
- 11th Scientific Conference of Medical Students of Greece, Alexandroupolis
- Annual Conference at SEVE, Thessaloniki
- Congresul international de Dentistry Pentru Student as Tineri Medici, Cluj-Napoca
- 8th Panhellenic Congress of Orthodontic Society of Greece, Thessaloniki
- 24th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Thessaloniki
- Conference of the Dental Association of Thessaloniki on "The dental practice from the perspective of the general dentist"
- SEVE Conference on "Sports and Preventive Dentistry", Thessaloniki
- Conference on "Materials and Medicines in Modern Dental Practice"
- Endodontics Workshop on "Mechanical Extension of Radial Pipes. New systems and new developments in space »
- Second Prosthetic Seminar, Thessaloniki
- 9th Scientific Conference of Medical Students of Greece, Athens
- Periodontics Seminar on "Periodontal Aesthetics"
- Greek Red Cross First Aid Seminar
- Seminar on "Prescription and medication in dental practice"
- Seminar on "New Technologies in Dentistry"
- Scientific Meeting of the Dental Association of Thessaloniki on "Dental Care for Disabled People and General Diseases", Thessaloniki
- 6th Panhellenic Congress of Orthodontics, Thessaloniki
- 14th Panhellenic AIDS Congress
- 1st Prosthetic Seminar, Thessaloniki
- Implantology Session, Thessaloniki
- 12th National Endodontic Symposium, Thessaloniki
- Seminar on Periodontics, Thessaloniki
- Seminar "Dental Osteosynthetic Implants", Thessaloniki
- Workshop "Fluorine - The Reliable Weapon of Preventive Dentistry in Classic and New Applications"
- Stomatology workshop
- 21st Panhellenic Dental Congress, Thessaloniki
- International Seminar on Cosmetic Dentistry, Thessaloniki
- Symposium: Congestion - Epidemiology and etiology of periodontal diseases - Renaissance techniques, Thessaloniki
- Theoretical and practical seminar on implantology, ASTRA system, Macedonia Palace Thessaloniki
- 4th Panhellenic Congress of Orthodontics, Macedonia Palace, Thessaloniki
- Seminar on "Disorders of the Stomach and Nervous System", Macedonia Palace, Thessaloniki
- 1st Scientific Conference of Dental Students of AUTH, Thessaloniki
- 2/3/2010: "Treating Aesthetic Problems of Periodontal Tissues Using Prosthetic Methods", SEVE Annual Conference, Aridea
- Issue 16, October - December 2008, Beautiful Teeth, p.8, "Stories of Stomatology: Making a Difference ..."
- October 23-26, 2008: "Short Dental Bow: Information Level, Experience and Opinions of Dentists in Greece", 28th Panhellenic Dental Conference, Thessaloniki
- 8/9/207: "Ten Clinical Questions Related to the Relationship Between Feasible and Required for Prosthetic Restoration Are Awaiting Answers", Round Table, 42nd Annual Meeting of the Greek Dental Association, Veria
- 5-8 / 9/2007: Prosthetic Management of Periodontal Hard and Soft Lossin Fixed and Implant Prosthodontics, Fukuoka, Japan
- Issue 3rd 2007, Mouth; 35: 223-231, "The Short Dental Bow as a Free-End Rear Therapy Plan: A Review of the Literature"
- April - June 2007 issue, Greek Dental Times 51 (2): 119-126, "Study of postgraduate education in 5-year students of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki"
- 2-5 / 11/2006: "The Short Dental Bow as a Solution for Prosthetic Rehabilitation in the Backbone", 26th Panhellenic Dental Conference, Athens
- 2-5 / 11/2006: "Pollution control in dental laboratories: level of information, collaboration with dentists and daily practice", 26th Panhellenic Dental Conference, Athens
- 2-5 / 11/2006: "Prosthetic Records Records - the Link between Clinical and Laboratory Procedures", 26th Panhellenic Dental Conference, Athens
- 2-5 / 11/2006: "Treating Aesthetic Problems of Periodontal Tissues Using Prosthetic Methods", 26th Panhellenic Dental Conference, Athens
- 2-5 / 11/2006: "Evaluation of Voice Tests as Extremely Useful Clinical Trial for Functional and Aesthetic Prosthetic Rehabilitation", 26th Panhellenic Dental Conference, Athens
- 11-14 / 5/2006: "Diagnosis and treatment planning for patients with attrition, abrasion and erosion", 11th BASS Conference, Serajevo
- 26/2/2006: "Pollution Control in Dental Laboratories", Thessaloniki Dental Association's Meeting
- 13-15 / 5/2005: "Regulatory mechanisms of the morphogenesis and development of the temporomandibular structure", Alexandroupolis, 11th Scientific Conference of Medical Students of Greece.
- 13-15 / 5/2005: "Dental Informatics: Applications in Daily Clinical Practice", Alexandroupolis, 11th Scientific Conference of Medical Students of Greece.
- 31 / 3-3 / 4/2005: «Dental Informatics: Applications in Everyday Dental Practice», Congratulatory International de Stomatologie Pentru Student de Tineri Medici, Cluj-Napoca
- Member of the Dental Company of North Greece
- Member of the Greek Preventive Dentistry Company
- Member of the Greek Scientific Company of Dentistry Students
- Member of the Dental Association of Pella
- Schollarsip of the EPEAK II Program, fot the academic performance during the Postgraduate Program (27/1/2005)
- Praise for graduating by the AUTH Dental School Graduates Association and award as "Second Most Excellent" (8/4/2003)
- Praises and awards during all the education years
- National reprentation int the European Council, within the EUROSCOLA program, after a paper challenge
- Praise by the PALSO assocaition for the performance in the English Language Examination
English French Italian Spanish